6 WordPress Website Development Issues and Their Solutions
WordPress sites may occasionally fail to load. It can cause WordPress website development issues for businesses by preventing visitors from accessing their websites. One of the most common causes of this problem is an incompatibility between the various plugins you have installed on your site. Because each plugin is created by a different developer and has a unique set of features, they may conflict with one another. If both plugins try to run consequently, your website may not load at all because the plugin fails to load. Let’s look at some issues faced by WordPress developers during WordPress website development.
Top WordPress website development issues
Here are some of the issues faced while developing your WordPress website.
Email not sent
The most common reason for WordPress website development issues is not delivering email is your WordPress hosting server. Because it doesn’t configure to use the PHP mail() function. Even if your hosting use that function, many email service providers use various tools to combat spam. These tools determine whether an email is coming from the address it claims to be. Email sent from WordPress websites, on the other hand, frequently fails this test, ending up in people’s spam folders. To resolve this issue, send emails from WordPress via SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol). PHP mail() employs proper authentication and high email deliverability rates. Hire a WordPress developer to handle emails at the WordPress site.
Stuck in maintenance mode
When making changes to your website, you may see a message indicating that your site is undergoing scheduled maintenance. During a WordPress update or updating numerous plugins or themes, WordPress can become stuck in maintenance mode. If WordPress is interrupted during this process, it will not be able to take your site out of maintenance, resulting in your site being locked down and unavailable. During updates, WordPress automatically places your site in maintenance mode. Take assistance from a WordPress development company for maintenance errors.
Incorrect facebook thumbnail
Many factors can prevent Facebook from correctly guessing which thumbnail to use for WordPress posts and pages. Facebook displays your content on its platform using open graph (OG) tags. One cause of this problem could be that you have multiple images set in the og:image tag, with your featured image being smaller than your other images. It is simple to fix with a WordPress SEO plugin such as All in One SEO. It will add the correct open graph tags to your site and automatically prevents the thumbnail issue.
Death’s white screen
It is one of the common WordPress website development issues. The white screen of death error usually results in a blank white screen with no error message. It is especially perplexing because no error code or message can indicate where something went wrong. It is usually due to a PHP memory limit or a server configuration issue. Furthermore, you will likely only see the white screen on the specific website. If you have multiple WordPress websites hosted on the same server, check to see if any of them have the white screen of death error. Hire WordPress developers who can help with screen issues.
Connection timed out error
When you see the “ERR CONNECTION TIMED OUT” error in WordPress website development issues, means, your website attempts to do more than it can handle. It is common if your site hosts on shared hosting. Resource-hungry plugins, issues with your theme functions, and PHP memory exhaustion are some of the most common causes of this problem. You can start troubleshooting this problem by deactivating your plugins one at a time and then attempting to access your website after each deactivation. You can take help from WordPress support for your technical support.
404 error
When you visit a post or page on your website, you may see a WordPress 404 error because your permalink settings need to be reconfigured. Another reason for a 404 error could be that you deleted yours. htaccess file by accident, or that an error occurred with your rewrite rules. To resolve a 404 error, you must first adjust your WordPress permalink settings. You can do so by going to Settings » Permalinks in your dashboard and clicking the Save Changes button. It flushes your site’s rewrite rules and updates your permalink settings. It usually resolves the 404 error.
Conclusion: The issues discussed above are among the most common ones you’ll encounter in WordPress, so this list should prepare you for any common scenarios. Furthermore, you can avoid many of the issues we’ve discussed. For more consideration, consult WordPress development company for your project.
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